A slice in the 46 year career of The Human Aerial, perhaps better known as Hooly, the Co-founder, Guitarist & Producer of Reducer, has worked as a solo artist for 46 years. This show concentrates some of the music I have made over those years into an uninterrupted 1hr ride through my musical memories, recorded mainly during the 80's, although it has tracks written upto present day. As ye receive so thou shall transmit. I feel as though I'm mainlined into the audio-visual sensory overload of our modern world - even back then, hence the name. I used and still do, tape cut up & loops - often instead of vocals - to get across just how out of balance humanity is with the earth & the ecology of the planet, also exploring human interaction & communication or the mass hysteria of social media as a way of highlighting difficult questions.
I called myself The Human Aerial for one reason - I have always felt mainlined into the universe - everything at 1000mph - Sound Vision Emotions Fucking Everything and so as I Receive so shall I Transmit. It's as though Life is...a Relentless Bombardment, that's why I did those Cut Up Voices on the Track "Relentless Bombardment" ..that's What it Feels Like. I was so Happy When I found that Bit of Voice Recording - it said everything I wanted "Human Animals in Comfortable Cages - How Can They Withstand Such a Relentless Bombardment?" It was from a Documentary about TV's Affect on Tribes people of Micronesia...Which of Course is the Same Soul Destroying Spirit Crushing Affect on Us Except We Think we are Somehow More Civilised so We Don't Think It Does - that's the kind of place where my Music & Art comes from. I was Taking Stuff like the Sound of Mount St. Helen's Blowing Up in 1981 - I'm Going To Loop that Fucker! Listen to Mother Earth Farting on the Americans - That's a Fucking Earth Healing Rite, Right!? Fucking Right. Have Some of That You Fat Fucks. Another Favourite Voice Loop came from another Documentary about TV's Effect on the Aboriginal Peoples...I got this List of Shit TV that was being Pumped at These People (and US) where Julian Pettifer (The Documentary Maker) says "This is Your Life - Sale of the Century" - Fucking Genius! It Sums It All up, This is Your Life - Sale of the Century. Humans have Sold their Souls for Fuck All! I'm The Human Aerial, Tuning Constantly, Receiving & Transmitting - on Things Long Enough to Get It, Shred It and Push It Back Out....in Some Form of Creative Medium, Whether its Voice Cut Up or Guitar or Video or Collage or Anything I can get Good at Quickly Enough to make Something Worthwhile at the End.
I hope the Radio Show will convey my process as much as it entertains. THA
The Human Aerial Radio Hour was originally broadcast on NTS in 2023.
Due to the rather tiresome file size limit on our Wix based website, I have had to split it into two sections. I hope this doesn't impact on your listening experience. THA