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This is a list of indigenous rights organizations. Some of these organizations are members of other organizations listed in this article. Sometimes local organizations associated with particular groups of indigenous people will join in a regional or national organization, which in turn can join an even higher organization, along with other member supra organizations. The "International" section is for organizations that are open to work with indigenous peoples around the world. These organizations are not limited to a specific area or with specific Indigenous Peoples. They are listed by country of origin. The organizations in the "Regional" section are listed by the area in which they work. The regions and countries in this part of the list indicate the area in which these organizations operate.


1 International
1.1 Denmark
International Work Group for Indigenous Affairs
1.2 Germany
Friends of Peoples Close to Nature (fPcN)
1.3 Netherlands
Global Forest Coalition (GFC)
1.4 Switzerland
International Committee for the Indians of America
(Incomindios Switzerland)
Indigenous Peoples’ Center for Documentation, Research
and Information (Docip)
1.5 United Kingdom
Forest Peoples Programme (FPP)
Mapuche International Link (MIL)
Minority Rights Group International (MRG)
Rainforest Foundation UK
Survival International
1.6 United States
Amazon Conservation Team (ACT)
Amazon Watch
Center for International Environmental Law (CIEL)
Center for World Indigenous Studies (CWIS)
Cultural Survival
Indigenous Peoples Council on Biocolonialism
Indigenous Peoples Law and Policy Program (IPLP)
International Indian Treaty Council (IITC)
Indigenous World Association
International Native Tradition Interchange (INTI)
Mexica Movement
Rainforest Foundation US
Rights and Resources Initiative (RRI)
1.7 Uruguay
World Rainforest Movement (WRM)
2 Regional
2.1 Regions
2.1.1 Africa
Indigenous Peoples of Africa Co-ordinating Committee
2.1.2 Amazon Basin
Coordinator of Indigenous Organizations of the
Amazon River Basin (COICA)
2.1.3 Americas
See also: Indigenous Movements in the Americas
2.1.4 Arctic
Inuit Circumpolar Council (ICC)
Saami Council
2.1.5 Asia
Hokkaido Utari Association
Kuki Inpi
Kuki National Organisation
Asia Indigenous Peoples’ Pact
Zo Indigenous Forum
Anarchists Against The Wall
2.2 Countries
2.2.1 Australia
Kimberley Land Council (KLC)
Reconciliation Australia
2.2.2 Bolivia
Confederación de Pueblos Indígenas de Bolivia
Consejo Nacional de Ayllus y Markas del Qullasuyu
2.2.3 Botswana
First People of the Kalahari (FPK)
2.2.4 Brazil
National Articulation of the Indigenous People of
Brazil (APIB)
Coordenação das Organizações Indígenas da
Amazônia Brasileira (COIAB)
2.2.5 Canada
Assembly of First Nations (AFN)
Congress of Aboriginal Peoples (CAP)
Federation of Saskatchewan Indian Nations (FSIN)
Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami (ITK)
Native Women’s Association of Canada (NWAC)
Nunavut Tunngavik Incorporated (NTI)
RAVEN (Respecting Aboriginal Values & Environmental
The Indigenous Network of Environment and Trade
2.2.6 Colombia
Organización Nacional Indígena de Colombia
2.2.7 Chile
Coordinadora Arauco-Malleco (CAM)
2.2.8 Ecuador
Confederación de Nacionalidades Indígenas del
Ecuador (CONAIE)
Confederación de las Nacionalidades Indígenas de
la Amazonia Ecuatoriana (CONFENIAE)
Confederación de Pueblos de la Nacionalidad
Kichuas del Ecuador (ECUARUNARI)
2.2.9 Indonesia
Yayasan Merah Putih (YMP)
2.2.10 Mexico
Popular Indigenous Council of Oaxaca “Ricardo
Flores Magón” (CIPO-RFM)
Zapatista Army of National Liberation (EZLN)
2.2.11 Namibia
2.2.12 Nigeria
Movement for the Survival of the Ogoni People
3.2 International 3
2.2.13 Norway
Norske Samers Riksforbund (NSR)
Samenes Folkeforbund
2.2.14 Peru
Asociación Interétnica de Desarrollo de la Selva Peruana
Peru Support Group (PSG)
2.2.15 Republic of China (Taiwan)
Council of Indigenous Peoples
2.2.16 Russia
Association of Sámi in Murmansk Oblast
Russian Association of Indigenous Peoples of the
North (RAIPON)
2.2.17 United States
Alaska Federation of Natives
American Indian Defense Association (AIDA)
Great Lakes Indian Fish & Wildlife Commission
Honor the Earth
Indigenous World Association
International Indian Treaty Council (IITC)
Inter-Tribal Environmental Council (ITEC)
National Congress of American Indians (NCAI)
National Indian Youth Council (NIYC)
Native American Rights Fund (NARF)
White Earth Land Recovery Project (WELRP)
Women’s National Indian Association












Earth First! Worldwide


About Earth First!

Are you tired of namby-pamby environmental groups? Are you tired of overpaid corporate environmentalists who suck up to bureaucrats and industry? Have you become disempowered by the reductionist approach of environmental professionals and scientists?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, then Earth First! is for you. Earth First! is effective. Our front-line, direct action approach to protecting wilderness gets results. We have succeeded in cases where other environmental groups had given up, and have drawn public attention to the crises facing the natural world.

Earth First! was named in 1979 in response to a lethargic, compromising, and increasingly corporate environmental community. Earth First! takes a decidedly different tack towards environmental issues. We believe in using all the tools in the tool box, ranging from grassroots organizing and involvement in the legal process to civil disobedience.

Earth First! is different from other environmental groups. Here are some things to keep in mind about Earth First! and some suggestions for being an active and effective Earth First!er: First of all, Earth First! is not an organization, but a movement. There are no "members" of Earth First!, only Earth First!ers. It is a belief in biocentrism, that life of the Earth comes first, and a practice of putting our beliefs into action.

While there is broad diversity within Earth First! from animal rights vegans to wilderness hunting guides, from shrill voices to careful followers of Gandhi, from whiskey-drinking backwoods riffraff to thoughtful philosophers, from misanthropes to humanists there is agreement on one thing, the need for action!

How to form an EF! Group

Earth First! is an international movement composed of small, bioregionally-based groups. Earth First!ers (EF!ers) take it upon ourselves to become intimately familiar with the ecology of our area and the most immediate and serious threats to it. We apply "direct pressure" to stop the bleeding, with a combination of education, litigation, and creative civil disobedience. Many EF!ers experience both the joy of the wild and the anguish of losing it so acutely that they feel isolated and alone before coming together as a group. Nothing is more empowering or more fulfilling than standing defiant in creative consort with other like-hearted people. Dare to love that much!

Earth First! has survived attacks by moderates, would-be leaders and the agents of the system, remaining the most diverse, passionate, committed, and uncompromising group of environmental activists. Our direct actions in defense of the last wild places only seem radical compared to an entire paradigm of denial and control, where the individual is convinced they are powerless, and the organizations set up to protect the wilderness continue to bargain it away.

Earth First! is a priority, not an organization. The only "leaders" are those working the most effectively. New ideas, strategies and crucial initiative come from individuals, and all decisions are made within affinity groups based on preferred tactics. EF! is as much an extended family as an environmental movement, developing the integrity and skills for a new/old way of living with the land. Our actions are tied to Deep Ecology, the spiritual and visceral recognition of the intrinsic, sacred value of every living thing.

To start an Earth First! group in your area, consider the following elements: Contacts: Even though it is up to every individual EF!er to come up with campaigns and strategies and carry them out, a successful group still needs a "contact" to:

  • Educate yourself on the ways you can attract attention to environmental concerns and dissuade people and corporations from destroying the Earth.

  • Learn the law. While getting arrested will often bring increased media attention, weigh all the options. Freedom is an important asset. Avoiding jail is sometimes a better strategy.

  • Become aware of the risks to which you will be exposed. Activists are often arrested during legal actions by police ignorant of the law.

  • Establish a web site for your local area so that anyone may get in touch with you and learn what you're doing to help.

  • Gather people to help instigate actions and spread the word on what needs to be done to protect the Earth.



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